Writing Contest

First of all, for everyone out there, there will be some duplicate posts. I post most of my writing here , but for a college course I’m taking I needed to create a unique stand alone sight that differs from the one I already have. I wanted to do this for two reasons. First off, I need to start separating the YouTube channel from myself, at least, from my writing. The YouTube channel is almost strictly gaming so having short stories and writing projects posted doesn’t make sense. Secondly I need to start doing a better job of focusing on my writing, and having a dedicated space for it is probably the best way to do it.

What this means is that for a brief period I’ll be double posting writing projects as I decide the best course of action. I apologize for this.

But let’s talk about this writing contest. My writing has always been very personal. I tend to keep it near and dear to me. The original website ended up becoming an indirect outlet for me to share my writing, though I’ve never really done anything with it. What it should be is a place for me to do daily writing exercises and sharing stories, but there’s a part of me that is deeply afraid to share so much with the world. Even though what I write is fiction, a part of me is in everything I write, and to have that much of myself on display for the world is terrifying.

I finally took the plunge and said “to hell with it”, and I opted to participate in a writing contest. I basically did a quick search and grabbed the first one I saw that was just “generic” writing contest. Entries are due in 10 days so I better get to work. At least I know I handle pressure well! I don’t care how well I do, I just know that this is something I need to do! I’ll be sharing progress on my story as I write it, and hopefully it doesn’t suck!


By Christopher June

Christopher June is from a rural town in Indiana. While he has self published short stories as well as chapters in his “Outlanders” novel. He writes scripts and YouTube videos, as well as voice acts for various animation channels. Many of his stories deal with small groups of characters, and their personal experiences. “Outlanders” tells the story of a soldier that survived a war, and his post-war struggles with humanity and alcoholism. Chris spent 15 years as an Infantryman in the Army, and lives with his wife and children.

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